The “Great Resignation” is one of many factors affecting the job and hiring marketplace right now. We’ve identified a number of recent articles that address this issue and point to a number of other issues that have made it difficult for companies to attract and retain great employees. Some of these are listed below for your review. In short, don’t take it from us, but here’s what other experts have to say about the subject:
Hiring Best Practices: https://www.fastcompany.com/90720388/dear-hiring-manager-this-is-what-i-wish-youd-do-instead-of-ghost-me
Great Resignation study: https://planbeyond.com/about/original-research/great-resignation-market-research-report/
Great Resignation >> Great Retention pt 1: https://www.aftermarketnews.com/turning-the-great-resignation-into-the-great-retention-part-1/
Great Resignation >> Great Retention pt 2: not published yet
Explaining the Labor Shortage: https://www.businessinsider.com/potential-reasons-explain-labor-shortage-open-jobs-not-enough-workers-2021-12
Most Important Leadership Skill: https://www.forbes.com/sites/tracybrower/2021/09/19/empathy-is-the-most-important-leadership-skill-according-to-research/?sh=2cce1d753dc5