We’re all trying to wrap our brains around the post-COVID “new normal”, a term I dislike. While so much is still TBD, some things are emerging as likely certainties in the employment marketplace. Others remain a question mark. What are you seeing?
- Video interviews/meetings are here to stay
- Remote onboarding remains a big challenge for companies
- Business travel is resuming, albeit at a sharply reduced pace. Traveling for face-to-face interviews is picking up
- We all must be respectful of our individual perspectives and situations about COVID and the advisability of F2F meetings and working in an office
- Acceptance for remote employees is increasing, but is by no means a norm, and won’t likely ever be normal for most companies
- Companies are trying to navigate remote hiring in a high-unemployment environment, and some procedures unadvisedly company-centric. A candidate-centric process is still the best way to attract the best people
- Will COVID tests be part of the pre-employment screening?
Mark Osmundson; VP Automotive Recruiting